Magazine Staff DMMC Staff Author-PforSlayer President- PforSlayer Editor-Alexman1 Vice President- Grag08825 Ratings-FrogBen Club Secretary-Bahamut AI Art-Alexman1 Tactics-Studman14, MasonG7 Corrections-MasonG7 Ouch. It's been awhile since I published an issue. Wonder why? School. That dreaded institution in which our youth while away their time. I was forced to resign from the club temproraraly, and the mag has been gone since then. But I'm back now. I have been relected as president and have quickly reorganized the entire club. We now have a vice president, Grag08825, a secretary, Bahamut AI, and lots of other new things. everyone is getting really psyched up for upcoming release of Marathon Infinity, and the club is going well. We have started up the old rating system again, and will be rating not only all of our maps, but also all of the maps from AOL that we can get our greedy little paws on. Enjoy the mag! -Pforslayer President and Magazine author of the DMMC